Sunday 30 June 2013

A Nearly Two O'Clock in The Morning Realization

I am never going to have a Space Slann army. 

But wait!

The Space Slann are a Mysterious lot!

They can probably take any form they wish...

Such as...

My Rogue Trader Space Slann Army.

(And Mark Copplestone is the Man.)


  1. Now I'm seeing this, I really understand how they managed to let the pole portals collapse which lead to the mayhem we know now...
    This must be their true form, the space toad one only being a reflection from their twisted and drug-craved minds...

    Thanks Private for enlighting us...

  2. Hey, no problem, Mr.Asslessman. It was really that when I was staring at the Space Slann in the RT book I noticed they had zippers on the back of their necks! What would happen if they unzipped? Who would come out?
